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Parinaz Shams
Nov 17, 20225 min read
How self-trust can help you find purpose, love, and strength in life
Trust is something that we all deeply desire because it represents safety and security. We crave trustworthy people because most of us...
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Parinaz Shams
Feb 24, 20228 min read
When your life is falling apart from divorce: how to heal now
Parinaz Shams Sit down, get your journal open, and take a breath because we are getting DEEP. Let’s find out what's really going on when...
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Parinaz Shams
Feb 14, 20229 min read
3 sneaky ways anxiety shows up + 3 powerful ways to heal yours now.
PARINAZ SHAMS Are you stressed out and on-edge on a regular basis? Do you struggle to fall asleep, stay asleep, and take rest during the...
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Parinaz Shams
Jan 31, 20227 min read
Yoga Can Heal Your Anxiety Now: 2 Powerful Poses to Start With
|Parinaz Shams Most people think they need to just take over the counter meds or get another test done at the doctor’s office to feel...
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Parinaz Shams
Jan 25, 20227 min read
5 steps to naturally alleviate anxiety and what you need to know before you start.
If you’ve ever experienced anxiety, you know that it takes on a life of its own… Anxiety can feel like a train just ran through your...
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Parinaz Shams
Jan 17, 20226 min read
Are wellness retreats actually worth it? 7 reasons you should consider a retreat
(And how it can be a game-changer for your health + happiness!) Are you considering joining a wellness retreat, but aren’t sure if it’s...
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Parinaz Shams
Jan 10, 20228 min read
How to finally heal your anxiety naturally by improving the quality of your digestion.
Hey there! Do you suffer from anxiety? Restless sleep, panic attacks, constant future-tripping? What about chronic pain? Auto-immune...
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Parinaz Shams
Nov 30, 20213 min read
10 ways to generate happiness.
How to boost happiness in 2022, based on science. There are tons of things you can do to boost your happiness now. The research shows...
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Parinaz Shams
Aug 16, 20213 min read
What You're Not Told About Digestion & Your Success
There’s so much around digestion and how it directly impacts the quality of your fitness, relationships, and your success professionally...
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Parinaz Shams
Aug 11, 20213 min read
3 Strategies I Use To Avoid Burn Out
Recently, I’ve been hearing a lot from clients and followers on social media that they are burnt-out. They say things like: “I can’t seem...
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